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@lordtheknight  im not disagreeing with what you say, but lets look at it from the 3rd parties' side?? WHy would they waste time money and resources, into trying to get a game that was made for the HDs into the WIi, knowing damn well that worst case scenario it would suck, best case it wouldnt be as good as the HDs anyway?? 9/10 people will pick the HD version anyway. IF you had 2 consoles and you know one version was way better, you would get the way better version. You would be stupid not to. Look at the sales of recent multiplat games, there so far behind the HDs that i wonder why they even make them. Im not talking about the family friendly exercise titles either, those are fine. Now if your talking just make a good ol unique version for Wii, (ala Force Unleashed 1, or original RE) im with you on that.  As a multplat owner i would buy those for Wii