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okr said:
radiantshadow92 said:
okr said:
radiantshadow92 said:
non-gravity said:

The bad:
-Slow boring pace. I never yawned this much in a game.
-Technical awkwardies
-Plot hole ridden story
-Walking mechanics
-A big disappointment after Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit

The good

Score: 4.5

I think you should give some examples of all those negatives bro. Because i completly disagree you and don't see how the voice acting or pacing was bad =l

No, he shouldn't, he already stated his pro and cons.

I could go to any game and say it was bad. For example, i could go on a killzone 3 thread and say the grapchics suck, do they suck though? NO. However, if i were to give examples as to why i think the graphics suck, then maybe my statements can hold. His however, have no evidence or examples. I would simply like some. And i don't think his score should count unless he does.

We have two people in this thread who gave the game a 9.5 without stating any reason. According to the rules in the OP those two shouldn't count - if any - not non-gravity's score. Did anyone judge the numerous 9.5 or higher scores in this thread? No, and we shouldn't.

I could easily start a redundant discussion and say that many of the scores posted here are ridiculously high IMO and that I disagree with them, but I don't as it's obvious that most VGC members who played HR liked it much more than I do. I always respect other people's opinions and don't question them. (BTW: the reason I consider HR only as a decent game are pretty much the same as mentioned in details in this thread by Maxwell. For me HR is a graphic adventure game and I compare it to the more than 50 games from this genre I played over the past 20 years - to me HR is a nice adventure game, but nothing special).

Did anyone question the only sub 5 score posted so far in this thread, even though the member stated his pro and cons along with his vote? Yes, you did, but I think you shouldn't.

If you start to question other people's opinions, if you start to suspect people to be insincere and to down-vote a game on purpose, then these ranking threads don't make any sense and we can all agree that only the people who loved the game should be allowed to vote.

The rules specifically state that if a game is lower than a 5, then the person must go into great detail about why. Where did i disrespect his opinion? You make it sound like i am saying "No your opinion is wrong prove it!". I never said that, i said "i disagree with you, can your bring in some examples?" His pros and cons are very vague. Talking about graphics and sounds are not subjective things, so i find it odd that he thinks the voice acting was bad. I agree, you could go into discussion about how some of the scores are high, but it is not in the rules. They do not have to go into detail. I simply ask the score below a 5 that further explain with examples. It should be easy for him, a post of a youtube video, or hell just saying "remember that one time in the game when...." would be dandy with me.