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The church is a religious institiution, not the religion itself. Seriously, are you doing this on purpose? Because i beleive5 year old child woud know the diffrence between the 2.

The Church represents the institution. And a religion doesn't have independent existence.

Christianity is based on Christ s teachings and if he said he is a son of God, i believe he wanted to form a new religion. Something like the New Testament - which is what Christianity is based onIf you hate christianity with such passion, at least learn a thing or 2 basic things about it

When did he say that? Did he say it in writing? Or is that what the fanatocs who followed him everywhere said? Did he say he wanted to form a new religion? Or did the fanatics who followed him everywhere wanted to do that?

Car washing doesnt really harm people does it?

They're not taxed for it, so they're harming the economy.

But it doesnt run the country. Russia is a secular country, and as such the orthodox church doesnt run, and as such, its not in position to make laws, and much less persecute the people who dont follow thier religion.

It participates in running the country, something which doesn't happen in a country that calls itself secular.

I apologize, i must have made a writing mistake when i typed secular. I meant a religion state. All those countries are religion states where the religion is in charge and yet none of those countries have problem with UN agaisnt the human rights and freedom of religion. Do you honestly beleive being an open christian in Saudi Arabia is illegal?

In Saudi Arabia Christians are treated the way the Koran says they should be treated. They don't have equal rights to muslims (they' essentially second class citizens), and that's just regarding Christians and Jews. Atheists or people of non-Abrahamic religions cannot practice their beliefs over there.

But they were still Europeans, which was my contra argument on your un educated europans claim.

They were Muslims (their religion) and they were educated by Muslims. Had they lived in a Chrisitan country they wouldn't have benefited from that education.

Ever heard of hsi apostles? They were pretty much next to Jesus his whole life on Earth, they spread his religion all across Europe. Considerin they were the friends and brothers of Christ, i highly beleive they would lie about him and decieve him. (except Judas, of course, which is said that the devil was dwelwing withing him, but that is just the myth)

They were fanatics, who made up fantastic stories about him (unless he contributed to that also). Don't you know how cults work?

Like i said before, lots of educated and smart christians  were hiding from the church so there is no record of many europeans being educated in the history. And the ones that were in the public got persecuted and killed. Muslims had a much larger freddom of research and thinking than christians, so of course people think they were way more educated and advances

How could Christians be educated if there were no schools were people could be tought? The only intellectuals in Christian Europe back then were part of the clergy. They were the only ones who had access to education. Everyone else was illiterate, as it was considered that they didn't need to be educated. They were sheep who needed to be guided.

I didnt say they werent responsible for colonisation of Americas, i said their religion, Christianity, had very little to nothing to do with it. Dont twist words

No, stop tryin to drag religion into this. Americans was the new discoverd land, just waitning to get plunderd and conquerd. People that were fightin there did so for money, wealth, slaves and rulership. it was only after the Americans got defeated religion came in the story. And compared to the invaders, the christian missionairies were angles. They thought people to write and read, gave them food and shelter and gave them their medicine (ironicllly, for the illnes they themselfes brought, but the point stands)

Those people already had their own languages and writing styles, which the Christian missionaries destroyed. They also had food and shelter (the Aztecs had larger and better built cities than anything in Europe), and the Europeans brought all the diseases over there (they actually used them as methods to defeat them). And the Christian missionaries were stongly tied to the Conquistadores (who do you think bought them there in the first place), and they actively helped them in their war against the natives by instiganting civil wars and destroying the natives from within. Plus, the Church had a stake in all the riches that were bought back obviously. They considered themselves to be "Christ's soldiers" who's duty was to force Christianity on the world.

So why do you keep coming back to it than?

And not reply to you? No, that would just not be polite.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
