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In a country where there is less income inequality: poverty rates and crime rates are lower. Europe has lower crime rates and poverty rates than the the US. US does not provide for its most disdadvantaged citizens. Europe has universal health, universal welfare and universal education and adequate public transport. US has no universal health care, limited public education, limited timed welfare and inadequate public transport.

In a country like the US people have to work for as little as $5 per hour or less. They rely on tips to make ends meet. 50 million people in America live below the poverty line. 1 in 6 considerably higher than most other developed nations that are less than 10% living below the poverty line.

At the top of the pyramid of wealth are multi-millionaires and billionaires who are the best at ripping the people off below them. Income being transferred from the middle classes to wealthiest class ensures the income inequality widens. The elites at the top control the free market and they can manipulate markets and shut down operations locally and set them up overseas to save on labour costs. The rich elites have various plans they can evade taxes with tax loopholes. The bottom 90% can not escape paying the tax rates and pay a higher proprtion of their income in taxes. 

The measure of a civilized society is the way it treats its most disadvantaged members. Social justice is non existent in the corrupt corporate government regime in the US that has two main factions: Democrats and Republicans - lip service to the corporate mahine establishment. Lots of innocent people are forced to rot in prison in the US and they do not get legal representaion.