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I dont see how they can keep the momentum of the Wii rolling into this next gen.   It will be like pulling a bunny out of a hat.

If they can pull off the same success next gen it will  be pure magic.   There is just no way my brain can belive it.

-For first there competitions more clued in on what Nintendo is trying to do. they should make much smarter opponent's.  

-Even if they do come up with a totaly new controler, Short of reading your mind what is there that can totaly make this the must have system.   My bet is its going to be Wiimote pointer with motion detection, with the normal buttons, but a touch screen they can program to add as many things to as they want.  Thats hardly the" from controler to motion controls Evolution" that launched the Wii into space.

-Best thing Nintendo can do is stay cheep, Keep supporting the younger kids and, Keep making really good games alot of folks want to play.    

-I dont expect them to be market leader again like this gen.