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To me, Samus is a bounty Hunter with limited character development that many MANY fans have exaggerated to be a 'loner' or 'badass' with no justification besides 'she doesn't talk' and 'she kills things'.

Frankly, I'm kind of annoyed by everyone saying she was 'ruined' in Other M.  While the writing was indeed weak, nothing she did or said in that game made her out to be any different than she was in past games.  Heck, in all the actual dialogue scenes we have of her before Other M, she spends all her time talking about 1) The Baby 2) The Federation and 3) THE BABY.

So please PLEASE people, stop acting like her character is drastically different.  The majority of you threw the same tantrum with Metroid Fusion came out, and now you're doing it to Other M.  Just accept that Samus used to be a character with limited development, and now you don't like the game that brought out the creators vision of her 'character'.

Six upcoming games you should look into: