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In order of the games I've played:

1.  God of War 3:  didn't play as well as Bayonetta but it had a level of graphical polish, good story, and good enough gameplay.  The sum of its parts are what put it over the edge.

2.  Bayonetta:  I love the character, I love the game's personality, and I LOVE the gameplay.  It's the best playing game of the genre.  The incoherent story and the awesome looking but personality free enemies kick this game out of the top spot.

3.  Ninja Gaiden 2:  Great graphics and gameplay but its missing something.  Ryu is a bland leading man and the story is, once again, nothing special.  It just comes down to personal preference.

4.  Ninja Blade:  Apparently, nonsensical stories are par for the course.  The combat isn't quite on NG2's level but the game sports some awesome moments and some serious graphical power.  It just can't hang with the big boys.

5.  Devil May Cry 4:  Oh, how the mighty have fallen.  The former king of the genre is hampered by repitition, a hard to follow level layout, and uninspired gameplay and graphics.  Probably my biggest disappointment.  Still a good game but nowhere near the level that DMC 1 and 3 were in their day.  It seems that the competition has caught up with them.

6.  Heavenly Sword:  A great game and a showcase of of the PS3's power during its launch window.  The story is top notch and the graphics are still good.  It just feels like more of a button masher than any of the other games on this list.  I still play it from time to time, due to the story and the graphics, though.

7.  Golden Axe Beast Rider:  The only reason to play this is because Tyris has a nice boo-tay.  I still want to finish this game, one day.  It's hard to find the motivation, though thanks to an overly complicated battle system and overpowering enemies.  The game just doesn't have that "I'm one with the character" feeling that the good Hack N Slash games have.

-- This thread reminds me that I still need to play Castlevania LOS.  I'll put that on my list of great games that I still need to buy.  Also, I'm sure some know it all is going to come into this thread and say than none of these games are Hack N Slash games at all.  Shut the fuck up, know it all.  We already know that.  You know what we mean so just leave us alone.