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Beuli2 said:
Tizona said:
Beuli2 said:
Tizona said:

Well it and the NGP have been "doomed" since the moment they were announced. Now these people just have numbers to play with to "prove" the doomness.

It's all gaming "jouirnalism" at it's stupidest.

Except the 3DS is doomed, if Nintendo doesn't change their way of thinking about it fast.

Reasons? Logic? Because after a few weeks it's not the highest selling console of all time, hasn't fixed the world economy, and hasn't discovered a viable alternative to oil?

1-It's a game system, it plays games, 2- it looks cool. it may not be the highest selling one ever, it might be. For the love of gods just let it exist for a while.

In college I worked for EB and had a manager who I respected very much. 3-I remeber him telling me, with the most confidence ever, that after Gamecube, Nintendo was done, doomed, gone the way of Sega. At the time, he had every reason to think that, but we know  what happened next. I just wish we could all chill out and enjoy the INSANE amount of innovation and awesomness we have gotten in gaming in the last 25 years, instead of being so damn cynical.

Wow....that was a rant! I'm not normally a ranter....must be the coffee :)

1-None of the launch titles for the 3DS are nearly as good as a launch title should be.

2- No one buys a video-game because "it looks good".

3-Very few expected the Wii's sucess because very few truly understand the video game market.

1 - DS Launch Titles

The following 11 games were released within the system's launch period (the 30 days starting from November 21, 2004).

which one of those made the DS the juggernaut it was? The Urbz?

2 - Plenty of people buy game systems because they look cool! That's just silly to argue, its why moms buy Kinect, Tech Junkies buy PS3's and everybody and their dog buy Apple products.

3 - I agree.

4 - Pizza tastes awesome.