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I have the game (that's actually the only 3DS game I have so far). Not sure if I'll recommend it. The game is not that bad and has good elements in it, but it definitely lacks polish and balance. Some controls are not very well thought (for example, when you're suspending on  the green balls trying to balance from left to right, if you move the stick down even the slightest, the rabbid releases the ball and falls to an instant death). The game is very easy and you can just run in the spikes most of the time without worrying for your life. There's still something harder in the game : the challenges. Sounds good on the paper, but actually you don't have to do them at all, there's nothing to unlock with them ! Even worse, it's really annoying to do them since there's no way to check which challenges you've done and which you haven't. I don't think a kind of completion board or a completion percentage would have been expensive to implement...

I've also encountered several bugs, mostly with collisions, often provoking death. The worst bug was when I died in a level, and respawned not at the checkpoint, but inside the ground under the checkpoint. Had to quit and restart the whole level.

All of this is quite annoying and make this game just barely acceptable, but it's still a honest platformer so if you're really into platformers, I'd say it's an acceptable game.