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Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:

As a Sony fan I will say that this was uncalled for Jack.

No it wasn't. I miss the fire the big 3 had a few years back.

This is great.

Plus the Wii and 360 are running out of steam. Just look at the list of games. Of course I will be the first to say that PS3 hardware will match this fiscal year. So back to back 15 million units sold, but the new fiscal year will have a better performance by software.

While this post was a while back, it's worth noting that the facts here aren't completely straight. The Ps3's usebase is increasing, but its software sales aren't increasing hugely. In Quarter 1 2010, the Ps3 sold 27,813,965 pieces of software. In Quarter 1 2011, it sold 28,500,488 pieces of software. That's an increase of a bit less than 3%. (This is all VGChartz data, so there are of course some minor errors)

We've reached the point in the generation where a lot of the early adapters have pretty much bought all the games they're going to. Software sales are most likely going to have either peaked last year or this year for all machines. Most likely last year for the Wii, this year for the X360 and either this or last for the Ps3.

The X360 is up a bit software wise, from 24794k to 29072k (17%), but that can't be expected to last, as it had some amazing software sales at the end of last year. It should still end up being up a minor number, though (5-10% I'd venture)

The Wii is down quite a bit software wise, from  37154k to 33348k (11%), which is actually a far better number than I expected.

So essentially, the software sales most likely aren't going to rise heavily from here on out.