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 Capcom brought MHtri to the wii so I cannot really blame them that much, but then we have to remember why is it that the wii got the game... Budget, Mh HD was too expensive so they decided to cut develpement cost and take it to the wii... So it is not like they were really fair with wii owners, I mean not that I am surprised, most if not all 3rd parties are sealing their own faith on nintendo systems, if the wii is "hard" (As they say) to sell games, how hard is going to be on the wii2?... To be honest I have several 3rd party games, but I wouldnt mind only buying nintendo games, nintendo is full of money now, they should buy a few devs and release games more often, that would be funny... nintendo games selling like crazy every month, and devs complaining nintendo doesnt give them space to release anything... 


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064