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Teo said:
Albion said:
Teo said:

I do not think this is a big problem for Sony as much as it is for Nintendo. Sony went into the handheld market for the first time with the PSP and gained revenue, the NGP will most likely generate revenue at some point even if it is not the sucess Sony was aming for. If the handheld market dies due to smartphones, this will not effect Sony as much because

1) remeber the walkman? It became obsolete when the iPod came out and so sony retracted from that market, no harm done.

2) they will probably change their strategy to the new psp phone. This will work because Sony will have the appeal of unique games available that other smartphones will not have.

As for Nintendo, they are in a worst position becasue the handheld has always been their biggest revenue market since the game boy. If the 3DS does not do well, their stocks will plumet and who knows what else. Remeber when the gamecube came out and it didn't do so hot? Thanks the the gameboy advance Nintendo is still here today.

I dont share your opinion.  

1) so sony can just get out of the handheld market.  dont see why this would help sony over nintendo but ok

2) so your saying sony can copy everyones tecknology and that will help them, yes they sure dont ever come up with anything new on there own your right on spot here.

3) Nintendo stands to lose the most. Yes, but its not in the worst position for it.  


I think Sony has the most to fear, cause Iphones targuets the same people sony is targueting.  Nintendo is a hole diffrent audience, Kids first Adults second..    Just like a good Cartoon.   

Ok seriously make a better point than "Sony copies blah blah"

Sony is a huge company that publishes films, makes TVs and other home appliances. Nintendo only has the gaming market. So no, Sony has nothing to fear if the handheld market loses to smartphones. Companies like Sony do not rely on one market and thus their flexability is their strengh. Just like MS, if the 360 was a total disaster, this wouldn't affect MS at all.

Last I checked Nintendo is making alot of money. Nintendo's not a small company eather. Its been making games since 1889.   

How long have sony and MS been arround?

Go find proof that Sony's stocks and MS stocks are way bigger then Nintendo's then will talk.