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Thanks everyone! You see, this is what I feared. Tons of games that I want but no money!!

Other than playing Resident Evil 5, I downloaded a couple of demos. Here's what I thought:

Modern Warfare 2: For this one I was just curious to see how CoD games play on the HD consoles. Nothing spectacular but an overall good demo.

Killzone 3: I didn't enjoy this one as much as I thought I would. I guess I'm so used to playing CoD that it just feels different.

Heavenly Sword: Kinda meh. It's an ok game but it's not for me.

Uncharted 2: This demo blew me away! Everything about it was amazing. This is probably going to be my next purchase.

BioShock: Very impressive. I'm definitely going to pick this one up.

inFAMOUS: A very fun game. I've no doubt that I'm getting this one and maybe even the sequel.

The Darkness: It was good. Don't know yet if I'm going to get it though :/

Heavy Rain: It was ok. I think the reason it didn't "wow" me was because it seems like a very story-driven game and I had no idea what was going on. I'm still interested in it though.