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gumby_trucker said:

Remember when the DS was released and had amazing games for the first year?

Like Pac-Pix? or Yoshi's Touch and Go? (was it 2 or 3 levels? I don't remember...) Or Mario 64 D-Pad edition? (at least this time Zelda will be an improvement over the original!)

We had Pokemon Dash and Electroplankton! none of them lame ass tech-demos with no replay value we get today...

Remember Ping Pals? just like pictochat only $30? Or Ubisoft's launch game "Sprung - A Game where Everyone Scores"? 

You could tell way back then those guys were going places!

Hell even EA was representing with UrbZ: Sims in the City (yep, they did the Z thing before Ubi...)

Those were the glory days, before stupid Nintendo had to go and ruin gaming by releasing the Wii...

Can't tell if you're serious.  But you bring up an important point.  The original DS launched with a handful of games, almost everyone forgot about.  It wasn't until about a year in that it got some good games like Kirby's Canvas Curse, Warioware TOUCHED and Osu! Tadakae! Ouendan!  The same looks to be happening to the 3DS, with many of its major games coming out about 6 months after it launches.

Only in the case of the 3DS, we had a list of over 50 games even before the system launched.  From nearly every major Japanese series from MGS to Resident Evil to DOA to Paper Mario.

Six upcoming games you should look into: