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kitler53 said:
Mr Khan said:

Content content content. All these technology problems can be handwaved if Nintendo has the right games, and that's where the debate about the DS' future should really be.


E3 will be very telling about the future of the device

i can't really argue with that ...

...but i'm going to anyways.  xD   the problem, as i see it, with the 3DS vs. nintendo's more recent design philosophies ala DS and Wii is how does the hardware actually help, change, or innovate games?  nintendo already stated that they will not bring any games to the 3DS that require you to have 3D turned on.  without 3D the 3DS is just a DS with better graphics.  so where is the oportunity for innovation in game design?

and don't get me wrong ... DS with better graphics is appealing to me.  but you're being quoted by a guy that has bought into every generation since the commadore 64 and nintendo is entrenched in the so-called "expanded" audience.  what content can the 3DS bring that will excite that audience?

in short - the 3DS feels very un-nintendo to me.  un-recent-nintendo i guess i mean.  it's too focused on visuals.

Wait, what happened to the concept of Revolution then Evolution?

The NES>SNES and the PS1>PS2 used that to great success.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."