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Gaming Discussion - WW Up!!! - View Post

Troll_Whisperer said:
Zlejedi said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
Zlejedi said:
gustave154 said:

wow the PSP so close to defeating Xbox 360... PSP sales in americas makes me -_____________-

PSP just got price drop in EU so sales should increase soon :)

edit: and then there is Golden Week which will songly benefit handhelds and PS3.

Does Golden Week affect sales at all? People don't buy presents for Golden Week. Unless Japanese people are so bored with their one week holidays that they have to buy a console, lol.

OT: I think we're goin to see this same scenario for the longest of times until something major happens, namely a price cut. We should get used to seeing this table.

I don't know what they do but sales always increase at that time of year in Japan.

Ok. I guess many take the free time to go shopping. Thanks.

You also have some sales in the stores... Just think of typical X-mas sales here..