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Games4Fun said:
archbrix said:
Raze said:

Why does Sony keep this guy around? They should fire him and rebuke unemployment benefits for the bad PR it gives Sony.

My sentiments exactly.  I mean, it seems to do them more harm than good.

Back in the PS1 era when Sony had a commercial with Crash Bandicoot outside of Nintendo's headquarters with a megaphone; that was clever and funny.

But saying, "no self-respecting twenty-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with one of those", well, you just can't take that kind of statement seriously.  

It leaves you scatching your head about what he thinks about their own Handheld.

It's hardcore and offers something that's never been seen before.  It's innovative.

Consoles owned: NES, N64, PS1, GC, PS2, Wii.

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