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Th3Mist3rN3farious said:
Jdevil3 said:
Th3Mist3rN3farious said:

Are you seriously suggesting that upon release a PS3 cost $800 to manufacture yet they were retailing them at $600? I used to work at the head office of the largest electronics consumer retailer in the UK and I can tell you something, everything you see as 'a great sale price' etc still has a profit margin in there. Thats the nature of business. Not only would Sony be losing $200 per unit on the manufacturing costs, they'd also be losing cash on inventory and logistical overheads.

And that's exactly what happened... They lost over 6 billion dollars because of selling PS3s for a loss for around 4 years, they've started earning money on each PS3 sold only recently thanks to taking features out and reducing production costs.

If thats the case then I'll glady hold up my hands and say on that specific point I was wrong. It only adds to the fact that Sony's recent corporate decisions seem to be leading them from bad to worse.

It also still leaves the fact that they abused their corporate power to invade the privacy of innocent individuals.

And might I add for all the people saying hacking is wrong and to the OP who actually posted 'Hacking the PS3 software is equivalent to hacking Windows software and I am pretty sure that is illegal' you might find this article of particular interest:

Whats that? Sony illegally rootkitting thousands of windows machines to track copyright USING LAME and VLC code which they werent legally permitted to use. Pot calling the kettle black if you ask me.

I think if we take into consideration that they started selling PS3s for $599 losing over $200 on each sale, bad commercials on TV, low sales, extremelly bad ports, having "no games" etc... and we look at the situation today in which they sell PS3s for $299 for a profit, have Kevin Buttler commercials, Higher week on week sales than those of the competence, not as many bad ports (they're still there :P), lots of exclusives, etc... they actually went from Bad to Better.

My knowledge about laws is very basic, I don't know if getting peoples IP addresses or the graf chokolo and geohot stuff are considered an abuse of corporate power, or if there's a penalty for that.... but if it's wrong and there's a penalty (being a fine or whatever), then whatever the penalty for this is must be applied, and the judge that allowed Sony to get the IP adresses should be fired or suspended for not doing his job right.

I don't know if "hacking" the firmware is legal or not... or if it's the same as pirating Windows, but if it's illegal and there's a penalty for that, then it should be applied.

I already heard of the rootkit thing a while back... I don't remember if there was some sort of penalty applied to Sony or not. If there wasn't one, then Sony should have payed for their illegal acts and justice didn't act right. If there was one and whatever the penalty was has already been "payed", then justice acted the right way and I suppose it's a closed case.

Sony doing something illegal doesn't make other people's illegal acts legal or justifies anything.

If someone does something illegal and there's a penalty, justice should determine what to do by the laws and act accordingly, and it should be the same for Sony, George Hotz, Graf Chokolo, you, me, or whoever does something illegal.

I'm not saying Sony/GeoHot/GrafChokolo is right or wrong... I'm just saying that justice will have the ultimate decision on who was right or wrong and must act accordingly and make whoever justice determines was wrong be punished for what they did (be it Sony, GeoHot, GrafChokolo or whoever else is involved).


I believe I can't be any more neutral and objective than this.

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P