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Kasz216 said:
DonFerrari said:
Kasz216 said:
DonFerrari said:
Kasz216 said:
DonFerrari said:
Kasz216 said:
DonFerrari said:
Kasz216 said:
DonFerrari said:
Kasz216 said:
DonFerrari said:
Kasz216 said:
DonFerrari said:
Kasz216 said:
DonFerrari said:
bannedagain said:
Euphoria14 said:

So since we techinically don't own our PS3s does this mean I get my $900 back that I have spent on the (2) consoles?

If not, then do I at least get back $450 since I own only half of it?



I also wonder why people think that you do not have the right to do whatever the hell you wish your PS3 whether it be hardware or software.

If they decided that it is perfectly within my rights to do so with my smartphone then what makes my PS3 any different?


It voids your warranty and you could be banned from PSN, alright. Don't knock my door in though.

Exactly, Right on target.

Thanks... i live in Brazil, i have freedom of speech and because of hacking community we don't have official support and our games cost 2,5x more than on USA... now i think i should thanks pirating and hacking to stand to my rights.

That has nothing to do with hacking.... and everything to do with the GIANT import tax on foreign goods in brazil.

It's also why piracy is so high.

Owwww I see, so Sony doesn't control governments to make their decisions favour them??? I though people were saying that you can't win against Sony because they own the judicial with their deep pockets...

So in reality governments act on their own?? Interesting toughs, and are governments that makes law not Sony. If Sony can use the judicial system so can you, go there and sue Sony in grounds that it's illegal to take of other/os or sue GeoHotz, maybe you win.

Uhh... what?

You need to take a deep breath, calm down, realize your kinda flaming and in general, acting really illogical.   Your profile says your 26... but your making that pretty hard to believe... espiecally with Ignorance on your own countries economic policies and for why shit is so expensive in brazil.  I mean heck, you just raised tarriffs even more on various stuff recently.

Also, Sony is being sued for removing Other OS.  In a case they might lose specifically because they are argueing two completely contradictory things in that case and the Geohotz case.

Yep i'm 26... and I know everything in Brazil is really highly taxed... but a lot of companies have tax incentives, and if Sony were the corrupt greedy they sure could buy some legislators to put tax on technology they would export to here really low.

Yes and this is how it should be, if you think removal of other/os is illegal sue and you may win... don't try cyber terrorysm saying it's the only solution.

What advantage would sony gain from lowering the import tax on videogames?

I mean, it's just as expensive for Wii and 360, the brazillian tech industry is laugable and the Brazillian market isn't big enough to be worth the effort.  I mean hell, even Apple won't put stores there when directly asked by government officials.

They could, so could MS, or Nintendo.  Your country just isn't worth it.

As for the bolded.  I agree with you there.  I just have zero sympathy for sony.  It's like seeing a car thief get his house toliet papered.

Sure, what happened to him sucked, but i'm supposed to have sympathy because the car theif had to pull some toliet paper off his trees?


Probably Sony wouldn't have any benefit, or MS... owww wait, they know have official support for PS3 (because it was pirate free for the time being) and it know you don't pay 2000 reais (1400 dollars -) but 1200 reais (750 dollars) so they have interest. But thanks to the pleasants words about my country, you really seems like a nice person.

So you compare Sony using legal system to be a thief, and hackers doing illegal thing as prankers, interesting.

It's not kind or unkind words about your country.  It's just the simple fact that it's not worth it.  It is what it is.

Also yes?

Shutting down giant corporations and putting people into millions and millions of dollars of debt, in lawsuits you know you would lose, so you stretch out the procedings so people have to give up due to financial reasons and taking away vital promised features of a product is a LOT worse then a DDOS attack, that takes down a website for like... a couple hours... and maybe slows the site for another hour or two two.

You know that if you can't hire a lawyer you can have one for free don't you? So if you are poor you still alowed a defense and a right to be heard, and every case is streched, even if you do peer against peer or against government.

And vital promised features seems like it's impossible to turn on the PS3 without it... and i don't mind they doing DDOS for the rest of their lifes, just don't try to sound as they are doing it for the interest of consumers, they are doing for theirs consumer interest, it's different.

Actually no.

Public Defenders are only for Criminal Trials.

Besides, if how much you spent on your lawyers didn't help, sony wouldn't be spending over 1.5 million dollars in the "battle" vs Geohotz.

If you can pay for something it means it is bad?? You can buy a car for 5000,00 or 5.000.000,00 both will take you to your destination.

And I'll agree with you that having money to expend on lawyers can help your case, but even if you expend 1 billion on a court case I don't think you can erase a emend of the constitution...

On a lot of my mother trials, she were a lawyer for common people against companies worth some 100 million or more, and guess what most cases she won... when you are right the chances that you'll win are pretty good.

Not if they drag out the proceedings until your out of money.

Which is what happens in the US.

Though actually you might win, like Bleem did, but you'll go out of buisness in winning.

As will anyone after who tries the same thing, since they'll just sue you as well even though they've already lost the exact same case.

Which is what Sony does.  Which you'd know.

If you bothered to read that above article.  Your just going into circles making arguements that have already been disproven....

I mean we covered this "No free lawyers in civil cases".

Ok won't discuss about free lawyers, but in a mass action suit you can have the lawyer at lower cost - and mitigated between all members - and great part of his profit going after they win the case and sony have to pay the damage... and also I bet a lot of gamers are lawyers why don't unite?? I saw so many members here that sounds as if professional in law - they think they are - that if they got together they could sue sony, let them try it.

And you know you can sue Sony in other countries don't you? Try a cheaper one, choose your jurisdiction - as Sony is doing with GeoHotz - to the one that is most favorable to you... you may even try the OMC chambers, global jurisdiction. Saying that the only way to defeat Sony that cheats using legal methods is using illegal methods isn't a real answer... and I know you are much more inteligent than this.

No you can't. If your a US citizen and try and sue Sony in Europe, the case would be dismissed.

This is why though in Europe, if you were pissed about Sony removing other OS you could get your money back.

Sony KNEW they couldn't stall as much there.

Heck, as it stands today, Sony will probably lose this case and have to refile in NJ.  Of course, that doesn't mean much to Sony, who have deep pockets... though for Geohotz.

By trying to sue him in cali, it really is just another case of Sony's underhanded and unethical practices.

Unethical?? Sony could be even worst and sue him in Japan, they perhaps would be forbided. And i didn't say for you as a american to sue in Europe, but the hackers are everywere aren't they? So sue them where you have a member in a court that is better for you - companies always choose the best venues for them, you may also do it.

It isn't unethical or underhanded to sue were you have better chances it's how law is played since ever.

And if in NJ it's easier to win, so fill your case against Sony there... and doesn't matter the Sony deep pockets, they already bleed some billions with PS3 so i think they don't expend money on suit cases just for fun.

Er, no it isn't... and Sony couldn't file in Japan, are you really 26?  Look up a thing called "Jurisdiction"

You don't just file in whatever country gives you the best chance of winning.

The problem we seem to be having is that you have a complete lack of understanding of how the law system works... everywhere.

You keep trying to argue things that are just... unbelievably false... that anyone should know.

The suit can be filled and rulled where the percieved "wrong" were made. So if you go to another country and commit a crime you are sued there, and as internet you won't now exactly is the venue where you commited the crime don't be surprised to be sued in another country... the difference is just that your own country wouldn't probably make you pay for damages or make you do to other country defend yourself.

You have a right to defense and to stand for yourself, but there isn't a right to defend yourself at home - or on vacation.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."