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Ail said:
chenguo4 said:
Ail said:

Finished my first playthrough of Dragon Age 2.

I kind of enjoyed it.

The only thing I missed compared to DAO was a strong party member like Morrigan to grow attached to. Although Isabella isn't bad, she just isn't of the same caliber...

So Ail, what did you like and not like about DA2? I'm on the fence about this one.

I like the new combat system that everyone is moaning and pissing about.

I like the story, you would thing that the fact that it's being told by someone would make it less interesting but it doesn't.

I like some of the characters( Aveline, Varrick, Isabella are cool) and the small appearances that some DAO characters make.


I don't like the loading times ( they are way too long).

I miss Morrigan.... *cry*... *sobs*.... ( although it's no surprise, she was in my view the best chracter ever in any rpg I have ever played).

I dislike some of the new party members ( Merril, Anders,bleh).

I dislike the loot ( you shoudn't have to waste time to examine a random amulet to see if it's better than your current gear, give good loot special names so that we don't waste our time there, I'm tired to find a superior sword that is better than the kick ass sword of doom of the archdemon...).


I was so pissed that they didnt really go into the decision that you made at the end of Dragon Age Origins with Morrigan, when I heard about Dragon Age 2 that was the number 1 thing i want to know about.  and then to play it and the only mention of Morrigan is very briefly by Flemeth towards the beginning of the game, and that was it.  I was almost thinking Hawke would be the child of Morrigan and your character from the first but guess that wasnt the case

the battle system i didnt like at first but when i looked back on Origins i remember myself hammering on the attack button so its probably what i wanted all along lol 

i didnt like the fact that you couldnt change your parties armor, a minor annoyance but meh

story was ok, but it didnt have the same epic scale as Origins, more down to earth about family and politics

and i really disliked the fact that they reused to many areas over and over again

all that being said i thouroughly enjoyed it, i really believe that Bioware could make a Barney the Dinosaur game and i would buy it lol