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greenmedic88 said:
Albion said:
greenmedic88 said:
homer said:
Jumpin said:

Sure there is a place for candy, but they're never going to take the place of a full meal.

You obviously have yet to meet Willy Wonka. Anyways, the only problem I see is if  the raising cost of game development for the "core" consoles is outpacing the growth in userbase.

And that's really the problem.

Opinions will vary, but is there a growing market for $40 portable games, particularly when they aren't all big budget titles (but still cost $40 retail) and there are alternatives for those who don't carry portable game systems but do always have that smartphone on hand?

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but for me to spend $40 on a portable game, either it's something I'm going to be playing for hours like a regular console game, or it will have to offer something pretty unique.

3DS is unique.  It has 3D lol

And the only game I bought for the 3DS was SSFIV and that's only because Amazon gave out a $25 credit for use with one of the initial titles.

None of those initial games were worth $40 to me, and I can say this as someone who really likes the 3D capabilities.

Will the smart phone be gettting Super Mario Worlds in 3D?

If yes Ill think really hard about maybe buying it. >.<


The games will come. I know right now the games suck.

Ridge racer is about the only game worth getting. But this is Nintendo and therea 110 games already planed for this year.     So what the big fuss ?