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RolStoppable said:
greenmedic88 said:

That's one thing that will probably never happen any more than we're likely to see games being marketed as "Only on iOS!"

Frankly, I don't think Apple cares one bit about exclusivity so long as developers continue to publish games on their platform, customers keep buying software and Apple keeps getting their 30% of the take.

Generally speaking, exclusives do help sell platforms, but in the case of smartphones, I really can't say I hear about a lot of people buying an Android or iOS compatible device because "they just had to play X game."

The reason for publishing on these platforms is really just a matter of having a large built in potential consumer base that frankly, is kind of foolish for developers to overlook, whether they're garage developers or major publishers. No prestige involved; just tapping a growth market.

Let me see, if I understand this right. Your stance is that the iOS and smartphone market aren't a threat to dedicated gaming handhelds, because none of the major publishers can be bothered to put their best games on phones, much less as exclusives. And since Apple has nothing like first party studios, the possibility of disrupting the core gaming machines is zero.

No. They are a threat because they are canibalizing sales by consumers who once only had the option of playing games on a Nintendo DS or PSP if they wanted to play portable games and didn't want to play terrible ports of old games on their phone.

While the market isn't seeing any major developers lead developing on iOS or Android currently, it's hard to overlook signs like Epic adapting Unreal Engine for iOS, giving developers a powerful set of pre-made tools and resources for creating games on the platform.

It's not going to be long before the major publishers move past the ports of classic games phase in iOS and Android game development.

So never say "zero possibility." Because people can quote you on that.