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robzo100 said:
Conegamer said:
Metallicube said:

Again... Apple is NOT competition to Nintendo. People don't buy Iphones JUST to play games. 3DS is purely a game machine, Iphone/Ipad/Ipod are NOT. It's as foolish as claiming the PCs are a threat to home consoles. They are simply different markets, and different products meant for different things. If my toaster starts playing games, will that be another competition to Nintendo's handheld market as well?

People are just trying in desperation to find another way to show that "nintendo is teh doomed!" since they now are leading the console market and have like 70% of the portable market.

Yeah, that article was the best. Apple has over 50% handheld market share! Console gaming is teh DOOMED!

I think you may be missing the point though.  If MOST people already have an iphone, or a device like it, and they are satisfied with the half baked games (not very thorough etc...) then why should that person go and buy another handheld from Nintendo or Sony like they used to?  That is what needs to be answered.

The problem with that logic is that I don't think most of these people you speak of exist. People who are serious enough about gaming WILL buy an actual handheld gaming console. Those who aren't wouldn't have bought one anyway. It's as simple as that. These micro games found on the Iphone are not going to be enough to deter a serious gamer from playing Mario, DQ, FF, Monster Hunter, Layton, etc, on the handheld consoles.

Also, cell phone games have been around for what, a decade if not longer, yet haven't harmed handheld consoles. So I don't see why the iphone would suddenly change that.