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Conegamer said:
Seece said:
Conegamer said:

Fine, but the point remains the same

IF the 360 only had garage devs and the Iphone had all the Halos and CODs etc., which one would you buy?

Moblie gaming can't take off until it has the games. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are only here because they made good games. Sega and Atari died because they couldn't. That's all there is to it at the end of the day

What a stupid comparison ... one is a home console, the other is a portable ... stop trying to make it fit.

No, my point is in general, the reason the IPhone isn't a viable gaming platform is because it doesn'thave any good games and has reached saturation. No major 3rd party dev (Sega, Activision etc.) are going to invest heavily in that sort of market. Until they do, mobile gaming can't, and won't, take off...

The games there are fine, for a short spell, but when I want something comprehensive I turn to m DS, Wii, 360 or 3DS. Playing on my mobile never even crosses my mind...

No, it's still a stupiad comparison. Come up with a decent one if you want to try and convince me.

Your reasoning is stupid as well, Iphone gaming seems to be thriving, and offering people (even DS owners) the perfect way to game for them. I know of a girl that had a DS for gaming on long journeys, but stopped using it once she got an iphone.

it's not debateable that DS games are better quality, they are. But some people (actually a lot) just don't care, they're looking for a quick portable gaming fix for on the train to work, and since games are soaring on iphone ect, that's proof.