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Conegamer said:
Seece said:
Conegamer said:
Seece said:
Jumpin said:

I don't think there's really any threat from cell phone applications to real games; it's like saying that people will give up eating proper meals bought at restaraunts and the grocery store, because they can by a candy for 1 cent at the gas station.


Sure there is a place for candy, but they're never going to take the place of a full meal.

Not entirely though, but I imagin a lot of people actually have switched to gaming on an iphone or w/e rather than DS because it suits their needs more. Silly analogy ...

No, not really...

What he's trying to say is for us gamers (which, let's be fair, was the point of this article. What casual gamer's gonna read an article like this anyway?), it's alright to occasionally 'snack' on games like Angry Birds. It's fine if you're just going on a bus journey for a few minutes, after all...

But after a while, we realise that Angry Birds just don't cut it. What if we want to sit down for a few hours and play a massie RPG, or a competitive online shooter etc. ? Iphone/ Mobile gaming can't do that at the moment, and may not for many years to come. In that way, Console gaming acts as the full meal. 

So whilst the games are just quick-fire and not substantial, Nintendo have nothing to worry about. It just can't grow further the way it is IMO

I don't care who you think the article is aimed at, that's irrelevent.

The point of the article talks about apple as competition ....

Fine, but the point remains the same

IF the 360 only had garage devs and the Iphone had all the Halos and CODs etc., which one would you buy?

Moblie gaming can't take off until it has the games. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are only here because they made good games. Sega and Atari died because they couldn't. That's all there is to it at the end of the day

What a stupid comparison ... one is a home console, the other is a portable ... stop trying to make it fit.