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cyberninja45 said:

Its as simple as this I don't buy an Iphone to get angry birds, I get angry birds cause  I already have an Iphone so why not. With the 3ds, I buy a 3ds cause I want to get the zelda or mario, not because I already have a 3ds  so why not buy those games.

I think this is a very good argument, and it's plain simple too.  The platform that these games are coming out on are built for reasons other than gaming.  The primary reason is communication.

I guess the problem is this though.  Since communication is such a primary necessity for all human beings, then all human beings will probably own these phones that ineviatble have "general computing device" as their secondary function.  That includes games and all these other apps that are half baked versions of their fully formed brothers (ie Word on an iphone will never be as good as it is on Desktop, and same for games)...

So, maybe people will find that they are satisfied enough with the half baked apps, rather than their full versions that can only be fulfilled on specialized devices for each of them.  They have one device that does everything only so-so rather than a hectic multitude of devices that do their own specialized thing great.

If customers want the former then yes, gaming on specialized devices like the 3DS or home consoles will start to fade away inevitably.