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Jumpin said:

I don't think there's really any threat from cell phone applications to real games; it's like saying that people will give up eating proper meals bought at restaraunts and the grocery store, because they can by a candy for 1 cent at the gas station.


Sure there is a place for candy, but they're never going to take the place of a full meal.

Actually I think you just made a really relevant point, even though you may be wrong.  Americans defintely DO like their fast food joints better than grocery or resturant cooking.

You need to understand how things were in the past.  Before home consoles got big nobody thought people would give up the luxury of the arcade environment/experience for a system that you just slouch down in your couch to play without any of that arcade environment allure (lights, music, noises, happy excited crowds, etc.).

But you know what got the home consoles to sell?... Portability.  Videogame entertainment right in your own home.  You lose all the glamour (resturants/groceries) but the portability is what short sighted users want.  The same thing will soon be happening with the new round of portables (smart phones and handhelds) Vs the old round of portables (home consoles).

No one ever thinks of home consoles as being portable, but at one time that was their allure.  Portable because it was always with you, compared to the older tech at the time (arcades).