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sapphi_snake said:
d21lewis said:

I don't think I'm a player.  All I ever wanted was to fall in love.  I never (well maybe a couple of times....) looked for a female just for sex.  I tend to fall in love (more like infatuation, I guess) with girls really easily.  Sometimes, I think that I can turn their lives around if i treat them right.  Sometimes, I just like talking to them.  Sometimes, they express how much they like me.  Whatever happens, I wind up obssessing over a female, thinking I'm in love, and almost getting killed.  It's more of a weakness than anything.  I've been really good about not putting myself in the situation where I'd be tempted, lately.  It's just that it's been sorta happening lately.  I mind my own business, looking for a DVD or something, or I'm at work and suddenly I get approached.  It's almost like they're in heat or something.

And I'm definitely not racist.  That's just how things fell.  I just was curious about how many females I'd been with so I made a list of their initials.  I guess I'm observant like that.  Besides, this is the cultural questions thread.  I asked a cultural question.  I think the answer is "yes" and you're trying to throw me off the trail of learning the secret!!

Oh please, you're full of it! That's not love, you're just horny. People like you make me think sex addiction is real. If I were a woman I'd slap you (after which I'd probably throw myself at you, considering you have the ability to make white woemn get in heat over you).

I don't really think this is necessarily a cultural thing, as culture has nothing to do with skin colour. I was thinking you dated a lot fo white girls because of some effects of racism, but since you say that they jsut throw themselves at you... maybe it's because of that (appearently true) stereotype of black guys being bigger. Other then being white chicks in heat, what other characteristics do these girls have? Are they interested in serious relationships?

And how exactly do you end up almost killed?

Well, I have this fiance that doesn't like it when I have other girlfriends.......did I mention that I'm not a great guy?

As for the other characteristics, I don't know.  Maybe they're just different.  Maybe it's just the end results of decades of media telling me what to be attracted to.  Who knows.  I watch a show like The Office and I say, "You know, I could be Jim.  Why can't I have a girl like Pam?"  I want that chemistry and, living in Georgia, it's tough to find girls like that.  When I do, I tend to welcome it.  But, like I said a few times, I'm not looking for it.  I don't even have the self confidence I had a few years ago.  I'd probably end up disappointing most of these girls, in all honesty.  But yeah, femininity, a wild side, charisma, a soft voice, mischievous eyes, a quick wit--those are my achilles tendons (and poon is my achilles heel).

Anyway, I guess you answered the question.  More than once, I've been used.  I think it's love--they think it's a good time.  One girl used me as the rebound for her divorce.  Another girl just called whenever she came to town and I was just something to do before she went to her parents house.  Another would find me when she wasn't with her boyfriend.  There was probably two in the whole group that I think could have loved me.  I think a lot of it may just be curiousity and I just don't seem to be that threatening or look like I'm in good shape or something.  At least, through it all my crazy gf (who I must admit isn't crazy at all.  She's just very loyal and has a lot of misplaced faith in me) has stayed with me through it all. 

For some reason, this thread post has made me really sad.  You should be a therapist.