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@amp  oh man where to begin! I love this post cause it was funny. you say you cant see in 3D, so that makes your entire opnion on 3D null and void. how is 3d anymore a gimmick than motion??? its up to the devs to make good use of it. there are some games on Wii that absoluetly suck when it comes to motion tech, but others nail it. same with 3d, Tron legacy was great, RE not so much. you dont want to play the same games??? but you mention RE4??? get real. The wii had just as much ports of old ass games that the 3DS has, Godfather, Scarface, DBZ, MK, Bully, Twilight Princess, Tomb Raider, HOD, thats just the games i named of the top of my head. I 100% with Rol on this one, you have no idea what a good 3rd party game is, Monster Hunter??? its good but PSP was doing it already for years, RE4??? really a port of a port if thats what you think is good 3rd party support then i feel for you, GE?? Its a blast but lack of any voice chat means it still doesnt hold a candle to most FPSs on the HDs. Sonic Colors??? you have got to be kidding me, the game is good but not all that, hell the DS version is still better.

OT I actually dont care for the 3D and the launch line up is full of games that i dont care for or have already played, but to sit here an act like 3DS is going to be a piece of crap is erroneous and i cant believe a sane Ninty fan would think that?? If its half as good as the DS i think we are in good shape