trasharmdsister12 said:
sethnintendo said:
Hmmm... Possibly, especially when I was young trying to read the Bible. That book used to bore me so much. I have fallen asleep on the telephone also.
Have you ever fallen asleep while playing video games?
Yep! There was this week I had off between two school terms a few years ago and I had compiled quite a backlog of games. I'd also just gotten my HDTV. So there were 3-4 days in that week where I slept like 3-4 hours a night and gamed the rest of the day. I recall waking up and having my Commander Shepard just standing there on the screen in an elevator. haha! Sadly my love of games has never been the same since that binge.
Have you ever worked more than 100 hours on something for school and still have been nowhere near completion? (Hence my lack of presence on the boards lately )
No, that's insane!
Have you ever been in a situation in which you have to throw your pet(s) away?