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Just got one today (I'm in australia...launched here week we're getting colour tv!!!!)...

Anyways, impressions:

1. The 3d is better than I expected (not a fan of 3d usually but I like nintendo enough not to let it get in the way. Would've bought the damn machine either way. Usually a day one purchase kinda guy for nintendo consoles)...didn't make me dizzy but my eyes feel weird afterwards (as if they need to readjust...don't think I should play just before driving at this stage!)...will probably not use 3d much once the novelty wears off.

2. Probably wont play much anyway for the time being. Pilotwings is not out here for 2 weeks and that was the game I was really primed for. I have SSF4(which is pretty good but not the type of game I'd devote hours of gaming time to) and nothing else really grabs me as far as launch games go (except pilotwings)...even Steel Divers (which I woulda bought just for the hell of it) aint out here 'til may 12th...this country sucks sometimes. Slight possibility I'll pick up a Nintendodogs or Ridgeracer just for the hell of it...but only out of desperation (only reason I bought nintendogs for the ds)

3. Faceraiders seemed okay, hopefully see a fully developed game utilising the effects sometime soon...haven't checked out the card game thing yet. Will do tomorrow (it's late down here and I just got home)

4. The miimaker didn't create a very good likeness (unless I actually DO look like George Clooney and never realised it before!)...I read somewhere you can transfer mii's from your wii but haven't bothered looking into it yet. Is this true? Am too lazy to make another, so hopefully you can

5. What's the deal with the charger cradle? Can't you just use the charger like normal and get the same result or am I missing something?

Anyway,seems like a good machine so far but I guess I'll have to give it time to form a real opinion...some wicked looking shit coming up.

for now at least I still got Okamiden!!!!

Thankyou and goodnight!