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9087 said:

SONY E3 2011

-Kevin Butler Speech. Last years was so popular they will have to do an encore.

-Uncharted 3 Mega Hype and Trailer that gets the gaming world buzzing

-Twisted Metal Release Date and playable Demo

-Resistance 3 playable demo

-The Last Guardian shown more extensively.

-RockStars PS3 Exclusive AGENT will be shown for the first time and will set the internet ablaze with console wars and speculation on if it will go multiplat (even though R* apparently owes this as an exclusive to Sony, the speculation will begin regardless)

-Reveal of StarHawk. Possibly the next Quantic Dream project, and FFv13 if it stays exclusive.

-Lots of NGP talk, price and release date announced, and games shown.

-No PS3 Price Cut announcement. That will come around August/September, right in time for Holiday Season.

-Metal Gear Solid 5 announced, will be on both PS3 and NGP with some sort of Linking/Sharing system between the two. Kojima himself talked about that at Sonys presser for the NGP.

Add in God of War 4 and I will have to say goodbye to all you VGChartz users. My heart cant take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!