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Avinash_Tyagi said:
rocketpig said:
Quite possibly. I think Wii Fii has a few things going against it: 
- Demographic of the Wii. Some people just won't care about this "game" whatsoever. I'm one of them.
- Price. This, when combined with the console price, is a pretty expensive balance board. It's not exercise, at all, and I think many Westerners will see that.
- The Japanese are hardly an indicator of popularity when it comes to stuff like this. For every Japanese trend you throw at me, I could throw back 10 that just didn't take off in the Western world.
- I don't think middle-aged Westerners are ready to buy into a "game" that needs peripherals (like the console itself) and try to exercise with it. I just don't see it happening in enormous numbers.
I could be wrong but that's just my opinion. We'll all know the truth in six months and I know how badly anyone takes flak on this board for questioning one of Nintendo's sacred cows. 

 You're not the demographic being targeted

Its Wii fit, not Wii exercise, not Wii fat, its designed to be part of a movement towards fitness not the only thing, the software is designed to includes the exercises on the system, from jogging, to pushups, and also your external exercise, like if you o to a gym, into a plan that it helps you sculpt to reach your goal, it is a motivation tool to help you become fit, not the one size fits all cure, the west loves its exercise gear andy buys tons of junk that doesn't do anything, this does something, its like having an in home trainer

Its not that expensive, lieke Wii play sells the software and a Wiimote for 60, this is a pad and the software for 70, in fact its a bargain 

I may not be the target demographic but I am a demographic of the Wii, as are many other "traditional" gamers on this forum.

My point is that the Wii's demographic is more fractured than any other console we have seen in history. Some will bite on Wii Fit, others will not. But those who bite will not be a large enough porportion to push this game into the 15m category.

And if you think that Westerners will buy this game by the millions when the Wii itself is massively shortaged, you're sadly mistaken. There aren't many housewives out there who will stand in the freezing rain at 7am on a random Sunday in March to pick up a console whether they saw it as the weekly f***ing gadget on Oprah or not.

Basically, it shakes down like this. Is SSBB going to sell to a gigantic audience or is Wii Fit going to sell to a gigantic audience? You can't have it both ways because the userbase is not there to support them both. Pick one or shut the hell up. This isn't geared at anyone in particular, just Ninty fans in general.

All I'm asking is for a little realism here. 

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