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chocoloco said:
Baalzamon said:

I've been getting pretty much daily headaches for the last several months.  Sometimes they get to the point where I can't do anything but lie down, other times they are just a pain that I've somewhat learned to deal with.

I have no clue what in the fuck is causing them.  I thought it was school/stress perhaps, as they seemed to get worse in times where I would get stressed out, but then there are other times where I have absolutely 0 stress, and am just chillaxing, and the headache will still be there.  So in that regard, I'm thinking that perhaps the stress is just amplifying them some.  I've been wearing my glasses lately in an attempt to stop them, and it doesn't seem to help.

I've actually went to the doctors for one of the times where the headaches got super bad because it lasted over a week.  We spent a couple thousand dollars on getting scans on my head checking for tumors or anything else wrong, eye appointments, pain medication (no pain medication helps, even for when its just a minor headache), and absolutely nothing is working.

Honestly, I don't know what else I can possibly do about this, it's getting so fucking old to have a lingering headache that at any random ass time, decides to become very painful where I just want to relax and don't feel like doing much of anything.

Edit: Also, I've had issues with headaches for a big part of my life, but they've never really been this consistent, and they usually seemed to happen when I was outside and I got too hot, but that clearly isn't the cause as it is quite cold outside all winter here.

iF YOU HADN'T WROTE Already that you already checked for brin tumors I would immeadately suggest that route. As my friend had that problem write before getting brain cancer in the cerebellum,    Pain sucks when the doctors cannot figure things out, are you on heavy narcotics/pain killers that might help some.

Well, the time where it got really bad, the doctors tried to fix it via lots of "light" pain killers (i.e. more over the counter pills than I thought was healthy to consume).  After that didn't work, they tried vicodine, which did nothing.  They then tried amitryptiline, which is generally for depression, but can also be used for chronic pain, and that did nothing.  When the headaches have been more on the minor side, normal pills do nothing, and I've tried vicodine to see if it even stops the minor headaches, and it does nada.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.