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Baalzamon said:
d21lewis said:
Baalzamon said:

That's actually kinda scary.  You need to go se a neurologist and have an MRI done (maybe even an EEG) to make sure there's nothing wrong up there.  It's expensive but I don't want you to die from a brain tumor or something.  I used to get headaches all the time, too.  Turned out, I just wasn't drinking enough water. 

I already had some sort of scan done on my head (not sure what it was called) that cost like $1000, it found nothing (which is a good thing, I'd rather nothing come up than a tumor pop up).

Maybe it is lack of liquids, I'll try to drink a lot of water this week, see if that can only hope

The weirdest thing (and this is the case with all of my headaches) is that they are actually located in the back of my head, not the front.

I hope it's something that simple.  Mine used to be located right behind my eyeball (can't even remember which one) and all I could do was put pressure on my eye and go to sleep and hope that it would be gone when I woke up.  Headaches are a strange beast.  Could be stress, dehydration, lack of sleep, eye strain, migraines, or any number of other things.  I wouldn't wish a horrible headache on anybody.  You have my sympathy, bro.