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I guess, but you could do that with all the consoles. You'd also have to take notice of price differences and how a release from last November could harm a release in March. It then turns into a mess. 

You have to remember that my argument isn't about who sells the most, it's about whats taking away sales from the PS3 multi-platform releases.

Anyways, exclusive Kinect titles (not including the bundled Kinect Adventures) have sold around 1.11 million units in EMEAA since the beginning of the year. GT5 alone has sold 778,000 units in EMEAA since the beginning of the year. I think they counter balance each other, especially when most of the Kinect titles are around $10 to $20 cheaper and they are both being sold to markets that are less likely to buy games like Dragon Age 2, Test Drive Unlimited 2, Homefront and Crysis 2.

If it makes it easier, you could try and accumalate all the software sales in EMEAA for 2011 between the two platforms and compare them, if the PS3 has sold significantly more software, despite not outselling the 360 on ever multi-platform release, then I'm right. I'd do it, but I'm not nifty with this site and I couldn't find a way to get the overall EMEAA software sales for 2011.

and I cant be arsed.  

I was getting sick of adding up numbers anyway and that other guy never replied, so it's unimportant.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.