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kowenicki said:
Doobie_wop said:
kowenicki said:
Doobie_wop said:
kowenicki said:
Doobie_wop said:
donsterydo2 said:

Killzone 3, Yakuza and LBP2 =/= 10 exclusives LOL

Wow your one funny dude.

Killzone 3, LBP2, MLB: The Show 11, Yakuza 4, DC Universe Online, Hyper Dimension Neptunia, Trinity: Souls of O'll Zill, Ar Tonelico Qoga, Mass Effect 2, Playstation Move Heroes, Disgae 4 and I'm sure I can probably scrape together a few more. Some of those aren't big sellers, but they do split the audience bit by bit. Not including the additional GT5 numbers that have been accumalated since the beginning of the year, the release of Mass Effect 2 or any HD packs, PS3 gamers have bought around 3.13 million units that are exclusive, I think that can explain why a few multi-platform titles may skew to the 360 in terms of sales this year and I'm sure it'll continue on until the second half of the year. 

This is the PAL charts... most of those titles hardly even registered on it (if at all).  

Indeed only the first two of them sold anything worth mentioning and one of those has already vanished from the Top 40 in the UK.  The rest of your list... well... you are just reaching.

Meh, I made my point. When you've got a few more games to choose from, then it's likely that your going to have to skip out on a few. Along with the points I made in my first post, I think I made a reasonable argument.

No you didnt...

Indeed I can take your own arguement and use it against you... this year so far I would bet that the 360 has sold a similar number of exclusive games that the PS3 has...  Kinect alone pretty much seals that deal.

And dont say Kinect doesnt count... if "Hyper Dimension Neptunia" EMEAA: (6000 copies in its first 3 weeks) and Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll (not even available in EMEAA??), Disgae 4?? Yakuza 4?? Ar Tonelico (all 3 not out here yet) count then so does anything...


What Kinect titles have released this year? The only one I could find was Body and Brain connection and that only sold 30,000 units. I'm sorry if I've missed out on any, but VG Releases and the Team Xbox site didn't have any Kinect titles listed.

Just in case you got confused, I didn't add the GT5 numbers to the 3.13 million number I got and if also got rid of the Americas and Japan, the amount of exclusive units sold is still around the 1.05 million mark. With the differences between the sales of multi-platform titles in EMEAA being as small as 30,000 units or as high as 70,000 units, then I think the PS3 exclusives that have been released this year have made an impact on multi-platoform titles on the PS3. 

You add in the other reasons that I listed in my first post and I think you have a reasonable answer as to why a few multi-platform titles aren't selling on par with their 360 counterparts in that part of the world.


Im not talking about new releases.  I am just talking about exclusive sales this year in EMEAA.  simple.

Doesnt matter when they were released.

I guess, but you could do that with all the consoles. You'd also have to take notice of price differences and how a release from last November could harm a release in March. It then turns into a mess. 

You have to remember that my argument isn't about who sells the most, it's about whats taking away sales from the PS3 multi-platform releases.

Anyways, exclusive Kinect titles (not including the bundled Kinect Adventures) have sold around 1.11 million units in EMEAA since the beginning of the year. GT5 alone has sold 778,000 units in EMEAA since the beginning of the year. I think they counter balance each other, especially when most of the Kinect titles are around $10 to $20 cheaper and they are both being sold to markets that are less likely to buy games like Dragon Age 2, Test Drive Unlimited 2, Homefront and Crysis 2.

If it makes it easier, you could try and accumalate all the software sales in EMEAA for 2011 between the two platforms and compare them, if the PS3 has sold significantly more software, despite not outselling the 360 on ever multi-platform release, then I'm right. I'd do it, but I'm not nifty with this site and I couldn't find a way to get the overall EMEAA software sales for 2011.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.