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No I don't think the 3DS came out to early.

Battery life is a big one, but I think Nintendo intentionally gave us a weaker battery. They could have sprung for a more powerful battery that could probably give us like 6-8 hours of play. But Nintendo is smart they are thinking ahead, the next model will no doubt have a longer battery life.

The 3DS Shop, I think was another intentional move. Nintendo wants third party support and everyone's money to go to third party titles. If Nintendo released some VC games and 3DSWare then sales for third party games might dip. Also Nintendo knows people would pick up 3DS regardless of their online store. They are probably polishing it up and making sure their's no kinks.

As for software, Nintendo could probably have released like 70% of the games they've announced so far on launch day. But Nintendo knows that third parties need a chance to dominate the platform. We'll get our first party titles soon enough. I said the same thing when Wii launched and while I don't like waiting Nintendo is doing the smart thing!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer