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Kantor said:
oldschoolfool said:

do you really drink tea and eat triscuits and pepermint disk and say cherrio and allo,top of the morning to yay,good sir. Do you also drink brandy and try to outwit each other with your proper english speak? 

I wish. Britain is now almost indistinguishable from America and Western Europe in terms of culture. I haven't heard anyone use proper English speak for a very long time.

A question for religious people in general: how can you follow a religion if you disagree with even one of its teachings? As the word of God, shouldn't every holy book be infallible?

For Russians, if there are any: How do you feel about Putin at the moment?

Americans: Why do you all seem to despise Obama so much all of a sudden? He has achieved something, and it wasn't reasonable to expect him to solve all of America's problems in two years.

Norwegians/Swedes/Danes/Dutch: How do so many of you speak English? Seriously, 91% of Norway, and close to 90% for each of the others.

Because Americans thought Obama would be the anti-Bush and solve everything. The actual American perception was that Obama was going to fix everything. I say that litterally. They thought that the things Bush did (or whatever reasons they wanted Obama) could be fixed/changed within a very short period of time with a super majority in the House and Congress.

And we don't despise Obama all of a sudden. Its been building since he was in office about 80 days, and it became very clear that he wasn't the be-all end-all that many voted for him thought he'd be. Remember: Its not like Obama was the only Democrat that could of been voted for in the primaries. He had a bloody fight with Hiliary Clinton, but won due to that whole "Hope and Change" mantra. Unfortunately, not a lot has changed for the better - we're in two wars and just started a 3rd one. Gas prices are nearly at an all-time high, we're losing jobs left and right, and the country is in a very dire situation. So that hope and change really hasn't panned out in the least for those that voted for him. What happens in the end, though, remains to be seen. But most Americans think he's Jimmy Carter's black brother.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.