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mrstickball said:

The South lost because it had a fraction of the population, and a fraction of the economic base that the North had. It would be like the US going to war with Mexico right now.

The South has always been behind in pretty much everything. I don't know if you can really blame them, given that their cities were pretty much burned to the ground after the Civil War, whereas Northern cities didn't get touched.

Having said that, the South is growing a lot faster than the North due to pro-business economic policies. Most union states are growing at a rate of half of the rebel states. Eventually, the South will surpass the North in terms of economics. Education may be another situation, sadly.

As for the Rebel thing - I don't think its racism. Its more of a regional nationalism thing, IMO. Some people can't let go the fact that they lost a war which they started (and the Rebels did start the war, BTW by attacking Fort Sumter). There may also be some specific anti-government ideals engrained in rebel pride as well. But its generally fading away as urbanization and better economic conditions improve.

I knew that, I read Gone with the Wind. ;-P

And considering what I heard about the South, I'm not surprised at all you guys have terrible education (you guys don't even tach evolution in schools, no? and you have abistence-only "sex ed", no?)

I'm curious, since we're on this particular forum topic, which book would you say illustrated the best how slavery where you lived: Uncle Tom's Cabin or Gone with the Wind? Do you have any connection to slave owners? How really bad is the religious intolerance and homophobia over there? Why were Southerners Democrats in the past, and why are they now Republicans?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
