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pizzahut451 said:

Yes, but before the British and Germans started writng about vampires, they were already wide known in slavic provinces: The german writer (i forgot his name, its on wikipedia) started writing about vampires when he visited Austro Hungarian part of Serbia. And yes, there are diffrences between some slavic people and modern vmapire but most of them are still in recognised as slavic orgin.

As for Vlad Tepes, im not confusing him with anyone, im talking about Vlad III the Impaler? And he was well know for his resistance against the Turks and his brutallity towards them. And btw, he didnt cut off people's heads, he impaled them :) That was his favorite execution method. Thats why I like him - he gave the turks a taste of their own medicine.  in 1459, Mehmed sent envoys to Vlad to urge him to pay a delayed tribute of 10,000 ducats and 500 recruits into the Ottoman forces. Vlad refused. In order to provoke and instigate war with the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, Vlad had the Turkish envoys killed on the pretext that they had refused to raise their "hats" to him, by nailing their turbans to their heads. LOL, that guy was is a major IRL troll.

As I said, your people can't claim they invented vampires, as vampires have existed in folklore for millennia. And the vampires from your folklore are not the same as the ones from modern pop culture, they're not even similar to Dracula.

As for thesecond paragraph, he treated his own subjects like that, not only the Turks. He was a sadistic monster. And quite frankly, other than your general hatret for anyone who is a Muslims, I don't get why you think he was giving "the Truks a taste of their own medicine"?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
