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Joelcool7 said:

Here to answer any questions about Canadian's, not Canadien's (French Canada) two totally different cultures!

As for a question I'd like to all the Middle Eastern countries, why does the middle east constantly ask for American help (Allied help) then if the Allies come they get upset and mad (Crusader's, Occupation), but if the allies don't they get all pissed off and mad? (The world ignored us)

Example Syria right now, the people are screaming for international intervention. I saw an interview with one saying "Where is America". Same was said in Iraq when Saddam ruled. Then if America (Western World) comes in to help really quickly it turns into "Foreign invader" or "Crusader"?

I think most people were against Iraq invasion , middle easterns or not, but the arabic governments supported or in other words did what Bush told them to do.

Libya situation is just laughable really and arabic leaders once again showed that they are incapable of shit. I thank France, Denemark, USA and every other country for the help <3. The situation seemed to get worse when the arabic league leader came out to say "we asked for a no fly zone not bombing" the general public  believed him (does he even know what must be done to achieve a no fly zone?) and the media were just as stupid and started reporting what ulterior motives France could have and how the USA is now involved despite saying they wouldn't be.  Now, even if that was true, what do you fuckers expect? that's like when you give a homeless man a MAC meal yet he still despises you for not getting him Hardeez.

I am not trying to defend us, we are generally stupid and easily mislead. The conflict you are asking about is probably because everything we are taught at school is the exact opposite of what our governments stand for. It's about time we teach our children IN SCHOOLS that israel isn't going anywhere and how having international relationships with the USA and other countries is a MUST to survive. Our media should be fired and replaced and the word conspiracy theory should be banned. did I answer your question? XXD