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Sales Discussion - EMAA up - View Post

Reasonable said:
AussieGecko said:

throwing out there but expect when kinect has the full features in everywhere out of us/uk it will go gangbusters imo... its about to explode... why they havent done voice yet is ludicrous....

Well, anything's possible, but that seems a little unlikely IMHO.  Adding foregin languague voice commands seems to me to have little chance of suddenly making it more attractive.  Part of the issue is the perception Kinect lags US for features has now been established.  This was a risk MS took in their desire to get to the US market for holiday 2010 and, in some ways like their earlier rush to market, it has paid of well in US but arguably at the expense of better success globally.

yeah I agree with this. They should have released with full implementation world wide... its just stupidity they didnt, the next xbox better have the same features world wide, the gulf is too high atm


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop