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SpartenOmega117 said:
thismeintiel said:
SpartenOmega117 said:
thismeintiel said:

Unlike others in here, I will not compare the graphics of Crysis 2 with some PS3 exclusives.  Instead I will do the adult thing and compare its sales to determine if it is a good game.  So, will Crysis 2 sell as much as Killzone 2 (2.6 mil), GoW 3 (3.6 mil), or UC2 (4.51 mil) on a single console?  Nah.  360 and PS3 combined it MAY make it to Killzone 2's 2.6 mil.  So clearly not a good game.  Oh, and ...

it will def. sell more than 5 million. Its getting a lot of good word of mouth.

Did you see the last pre-order numbers for it?  In the US, the FPS capitol of the world, where the 360 is the HD console king, Crysis 2 has just over 81K pre-orders.  For comparison sake, Metal Fight Beyblade for the Ds had over 95K pre-orders, and that doesn't even have a release date, yet.  There's just too much competition right now.  Killzone 3 (which is showing nice legs for the time being), Bulletstorm, and Homefront (which just released to some nice FW numbers).  Even with both 360 and PS3 combined, it's not going to sell UC2 numbers.


Well, they set themselves up for disappointment.    But yea, I think it may outsell KZ2 combined.  May even apporach GoW3's LT.  But I highly doubt it's going to sell anywhere near UC2 or GeOW2 LT numbers.

I am not usually one to make predicitons but II can stand stand firmly believing that Crysis 2 will sell at least 7 million combined sales. The reason pre order numbers weren't high was because wll the first Crysis wasn't on consoles. I am also not in a position to exactly say that what happens in my school happens throughout the United States, but it does provide a good idea of what people are thinking about: My school is filled people who only play COD (they think Black Ops is the best game ever, etc., etc., etc.) But this entire week they are all talking about Crysis 2 and whether or not they should buy it. They keep sayign all the good things about it. I personally recommended some of my friends to buy the game. And whether or not we like it, graphics do sell games. If people see that Crysis 2 does have like the best graphics for consoles they will buy it. Yes Crysis 2 will sell. A lot of people will be surprised. Just look at CGI. He bought 2 copies of the game lol.

Well, looking back at Homefront's pre-order numbers, it had around the same (a little over 80K).  So, Crysis may have a pretty good opening, unless Homefront stole a little bit of its thunder.  Still, I don't see either one of them making it to 7 mil.