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Sales Discussion - EMAA up - View Post

MightyGrogg said:

Why is Dragon Age 2 & Homefront selling better on the XBox 360 in EMEA region? That completely baffled me. I thought the PC version would be leading the way or at least the PS3 version. EMEA is PC & PS3 country, so how could these games sell more on the XBox 360? I'm sure it'll have better legs on the PS3 and PC however, just the strong start on a system that's a little weaker in that this region surprised me.

XBox 360 sales are never that strong during the off months unless it gets a price cut. The 360 and Wii are much stronger during the holidays as everyone saw last year. lol!!

Don't take VGC numbers of PC games in EMEA too seriously ;) Plus they don't include DD platforms.

Homefront is CoD ripoff with strong online so obviously it will sell better on X360 especially with game starved x360 gamers.

Bioware is developing Xbox games since Kotor1, PS3 games since DAO.