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Sales Discussion - EMAA up - View Post

Gojimaster said:

It is interesting to see that Kinect is 5k from dropping below Wii Fit Plus in the EU. 

If you see that 5k from the point of view of almost 30% more, and add a ~1:2 tie ratio on weekly sales for Kinect compared to ~1:3 for WiiFit Plus, all this in a macroregion that likes MS a lot less than America, things look quite better. But again, neither my arguments nor yours are conclusive, we are still in the mid-short term, in a slow season and close to 3DS WW launch completion. We'll have to see how both fare next Xmas to get more conclusive data, right now we can say Kinect hit Balance Board quite hard, but it boosted XB360 really strong only in the short term, while it affected Wii itself very little. And PS3 good sales are showing, if there was any need, how Ninty will be able to boost again Wii: with games, as usual.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!