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i edited the op since kowenicki was confused, im talking pure graphics.

okay after the controvery of the ign crysis review, i though we should discuss if Cryis really is the best lookng console game/

digital foundry and lense of truth have now done analyis of both versions.

and their conclusion seems to be, that both version are roughly parity.

the ps3 has some pros, and the xbox has some pros., and both version have their cons. neither is significantly better than the other.

digital foundry also metions that Crysis is/has

-not in HD

- very unstable game

-texture pop in

-object pop in

-variable frame rate that can drop incredibly low

-both xbox and ps3 version is sub HD

-many flaws in the shadows

so the question is, was ign (and a few other sites) correct in saying that crysis is the best graphical game?

edit:here are some quotes from digital foundry to back up my bullets

“glitches, LOD pop-ins, some really impactful frame-rate dips” 


“Crysis 2 runs at 1152x720 resolution on the Microsoft platform, PS3 operates at a base resolution of 1024x720.”  (which is not full 720p, and is not HD)


“Shadows appear to have some offset issues in places on the PlayStation 3 (look on the building on the left in the top shot), but up close, it's clear that the Xbox 360 implementation is rather blocky in comparison (left, bottom shots).” 


“Put simply, on certain stages, frame-rate varies rather drastically to the point where the game can feel almost unplayable.” 


“there are parts of the game that seem to be brutally unoptimised, bringing the performance level crashing down to the point where the afflicted sections become almost unplayable - a variable 15-20FPS update in an intense fire-fight is hugely disorientating, and this makes Crysis 2 one of the most inconsistent performers released in recent times.”


“the issues the game has in terms of bizarre glitches, performance drops, geometry pop-in and such-like are hardly exclusive to one platform.”