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The PS3 is doing surprisingly well, but look at a few things this week:

- The PS3 outsold the 360 by ~62k.
- The PS3 outsold the 360 in Japan by ~57k.
- The PS3 outsold the 360 in Spain by ~42k.
- The Spanish give many gifts on Jan 5th and the Japanese aren't bound to Christmas as much as Westerners, meaning that there's still a holiday hangover in both those countries.

Next week, expect huge dropoffs in both of those countries. In early November, overall console sales were about 25-30% of what they were this week in Spain, giving the PS3 a HUGE boost against the 360. Any kind of Japanese sales spike is also going to hurt the 360 for obvious reasons.

In the next two weeks, expect the PS3 and 360 to draw nearly even in overall sales. Shit, the 360 might even nudge it out slightly but either way both consoles will be extremely close.

In short, don't get too excited about PS3 sales... It's still receiving holiday sales while the 360's strongest markets have definitely slowed.

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