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RolStoppable said:
Mr Khan said:
RolStoppable said:

Why wouldn't Nintendo make their next console notably more powerful than the current HD consoles? What speaks against it?

Expense and imagery. If they do make it stronger, it'll take a backseat to other features, much like with the 3DS

Nintendo has good engineers, they are capable of designing powerful hardware that is cheap to build, see Gamecube. Development costs for games really aren't an issue, because Nintendo has the money and they know how to work cost-effective, third party publishers don't mind going broke as this generation has taught us.

The problem with creating another console along the lines of the Wii as you suggest is that it's once again not going to work. Nintendo doesn't develop all kinds of games, so they ultimately need third parties somewhere down the line. Another generation of ports being not super easy to do is going to lead to another lock-out of Nintendo by third parties.

Of course another Gamecube isn't going to become successful either, so Nintendo has to create a powerful, yet unique console. That's not easy to pull off, but in the realms of possibility.

If Nintendo uses a version of IBM's POWER6 or POWER7, along with 1-2GB of RAM, it would be enough to significantly run circles around the best of what the HD consoles can do at the moment!!!