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naznatips said:

Trying to be more reasonable here, but lets see:

8 reasons why KH3 should be on the PS3 and not the Wii.
1. Superior graphics
2. Remote play between Birth by Sleep and KH3
3. Did Square-Enix developed already a decent Wii game? DQ Swords is crap
4. The integration of Home (Trophies), imagine having a Donald, Sora statue in your house
5. With the PS3 you can have a lot more enemies on your screens, imagine yourself an epic battle against 10.000 heartless
6. Nomura and his team already have experience with developping for the PS3 and with a KH type gameplay on PS3 (FFXIII)
7. it's not possible for u

1. Yes, this is an advantage.

2. BBS takes place decades in the past. There would be no remote play. 358/2 on the other hand could have remote play... and yes, the DS and Wii do connect for remote play. Already been done with Pokemon BR

3. And Square Enix has made a good PS3 game? What's that game? They haven't made any PS3 game yet. They are in the process of making 2 games, but we don't know if either will be good. Nor do you have the right to call DQ Swords crap when you have never played it. The irony is you are calling others fanboys.

4. Achievemen er... I mean Trophies would certainly be a nice advantage.

5. I imagine myself being bored fighting 10,000 enemies, but besides that point, the PS2 used a mixture of video and instanced combat to create the same effect in KH2. It could be done on the Wii.

6. Uh, FFXIII was stated to have the same combat system as FFXII, which, if you played it, is nothing like Kingdom Hearts gameplay.

7. I don't understand broken English.

8. Learn to count to 8.


The game could be made successfully on either platform. It's only those who refuse to accept that who are the true fanboys here...

  1. Indeed
  2. Indeed again
  3. They haven't released one yet, but the actual KH team is making Final Fantasy Versus XIII
  4. Achievements/trophies are swell for some people, I could care less.
  5. KH2 had you fighting hundreds (or it at least felt like it), that was good enough. But the best part of KH fighting was boss battles. So I would be curious as to how they could make them greater.
  6. I  would hope he meant FFVersusXIII, which is an Action RPG more like KH in it's battles.(although there has not been a gameplay video yet. Just previews and info from the game makers)) Like you said, FFXIII's battle system is like XII, but an evolution of it.
  7. me no speak english good now
  8. I can count to 8!
  9. woah! 9 too!